Gregorio Vardanega is a painter and sculptor who is best known for the light, sound and movement of his kinetic works. He was born in Venice, Italy, in 1923, but three years later his family immigrated to Argentina. From 1939 until 1946 he attended the National School of Belles Artes in Buenos Aires, and showed with “ Movimiento Arte Concret.” He was also a part of the non-Figurative Artists Group, and showed with MADI artists.
In 1958 he received a Gold Medal at the Exposition of Visual Art in Argentina and at the International and Universal Exposition in Brussels. In 1959 he settled permanently in France, where he had personal shows and participated in group exhibitions. Altogether, he has participated worldwide in some 130 exhibitions, and his works are sold regularly at the international fairs.
He is well represented in museums in Paris and Buenos Aires, as well as in Tel-Aviv, the Hirsh Horn in Washington D. C., in Milwaukee, Buffalo N.Y., and in Australia, South Africa, and Colombia.